Essay About Why Education Is Important

Essay About Why Education Is Important

essay about why education is important

Importance Of Education. As stated by the famous novelist Victor Hugo, “He who opens a school door, closes a prison”. The importance of education can never be stressed enough, no matter the person or situation. Education is an essential to everyone and provides not only knowledge but also enlightenment, wisdom, and character. Advantages of education Education makes us humble. Education creates awareness and expands our vision. It helps us develop a disciplined life. And, discipline is essential for everything An educated person commands respect in the society. Education enables us to earn our livelihood. Education “Why college education is important to me”. By Janelle D. Crichlow EN110 Achieving Academic Excellence Ashworth College A college degree is important for a variety of reasons for both the young and the old, namely to develop or improve one’s trade skills, to experience different cultures Education is definitely important in one`s life.

A gift of knowledge can bring us to the top of our dreams. It leads us to the right path and gives us a chance to have a wonderful life. Reasons Why Education is Important: It gives an opportunity to learn different languages other than the mother tongue and the ability to survive anywhere in the entire world. Education guides you to develop as good citizens of the society. The Importance of Education Essay – Education is important in any society. Parents, teachers and even political leaders encourage education in our society. Many people do not understand why there is so much emphasis placed upon obtaining a good education. This is why some people do not put in as much effort as they should. It is important that everyone understand the many benefits of education aside from getting a job and earning a salary. This knowledge will help you to develop an attitude that is conducive to learning. You will enjoy the true benefits of education.

This essay will explore a number of reasons why education is so important. Introduction. Education is more than just learning from books, and it is a shame that a lot of schools do not see that it is more than just a curriculum and school score. A good education can teach a child how to learn so that the child may take up independent learning as an adult. Why is Education Important Essay When asking people around the world this question, there is a variety of responses. There are people that believe the most important education that one can receive comes from sitting in a classroom.

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